Our Impact

Measuring Impact with Purpose

A business school's best impact can't always be measured with numbers. The stories of our students, alumni and researchers and the ways they have influenced and affected communities, businesses and the economy: these are the impacts we are most proud of.


Business School Impact System

In 2023, the Sobey School of Business received the Business School Impact System (BSIS) designation for a second time in recognition of its intellectual and social impact on Nova Scotia and beyond. We were the first business school in North America to be awarded the BSIS label for its economic impact in 2016, and are now the only school to receive a second affirmation.

In the BSIS Impact Report, reviewers noted key accomplishments of the Sobey School of Business:

  • An impressive 94% of faculty are active researchers; 70 Sobey School faculty members have produced 223 journal papers in 173 different journals. 
  • Research topics are based on regional problems with national or global relevance.  
  • Local managers are enthusiastic about the professional development benefits they gain from collaboration with the Sobey School. 
  • 92% of business students receive instruction in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainable development and have the opportunity to work with businesses. 
  • Societal research is growing in impact and visibility with 48 professors focused on societal research through four research groups. 

Principles of Responsible Management Education

We regularly report on our PRME activities. PRME is a UN initiative, the Principles of Responsible Management Education. By signing on, the Sobey School has committed to embedding responsible management, ethics and the UN's Sustainable Development Goals into our curriculum, research and work.

Positive Impact Rating

In 2023, the Sobey School participated in the Positive Impact Rating and was rated by students at the second highest level as Transforming. The Positive Impact Rating (PIR) is a rating conducted by students and for students. The PIR supports the development of participating schools by measuring the societal impact of business schools, as seen through the eyes of their students, an important but much-neglected stakeholder of business schools.

It clarifies what students want from their schools and provides a basis for collaboration between students and school management. Transforming schools are those where students report participating in a positive impact culture, governance and systems with visible results in many impact dimensions. . 

Economics Professor Dr. Mark Raymond, MBA student Yu Chung Chiu (Jacky), Sobey School of Business Director, Strategy & Accreditation Jane Mulatz, and BComm student Adrianna Timmons at the 2023 PRME Global Forum.

Learn More 

The Sobey School of Business COVID-19 Pandemic Response (2021)

Creating Impact With Purpose (2016 BSIS Report)

Education for Values-Based Business: The Co-operative Difference